The CUHASSO organization is established as supreme, independent, non political and non religious students organization within the university. It has an authority to engage in negotiations, put forth claims and undertake various proceedings and activities in order to effectively represent the interest and concerns of students. It operates as an extension of the university management, acting through student leaders, representatives and agencies appointed by organization. These individuals are empowered to carry out the functions stated in CUHASSO constitution and follow along students by-laws, regulations set forth in the university charter and the laws of the country.
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- To facilitate and promote proper communication and exchange of information between CUHASSO-Bugando members and the University Management.
- To maintain harmonious relation and promote cooperation among students themselves as well as between students and staff academic members, the university administration, staff non-academic members, also between the university community and the public in general.
- To represent all students on matters affecting their interest and welfare during their tenure at the university through CUHASSO leaders.
- To promote respect, unity and prosperity among CUHASSO-Bugando members whilst nurturing a love for learning, academic freedom and pursuit of truth.
- To promote peaceful resolution of matters related to students’ affairs.
- To promote and ensure transparency and democracy in its activities for the interest of students and members of the university community.
- To ensure that every student understand his/her responsibilities on educating oneself to the best of his/her ability and searching knowledge for the betterment of mankind, thus cherishing academic excellence and freedom.
- To facilitate and promote fraternal relations and cooperation between CUHASSO Bugando members and students from other learning institutions at national and international level.
- To perform duties and exercise all power best owed upon the students’ organization by or under any provisions of the charter of the university. Provide Mentorship services to young future university students.