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Prof. Peter Rambau


Activities: teaching and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students, also work as Anatomical Pathologist at Bugando Medical Centre (BMC). Currently supervising four (4) PhD students

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Dr. Oscar Ottoman Muhini

Head Of Department

Dr. Oscar Ottoman (MD, MMed) is a medical doctor specializing in Pathology. He has been serving as a Pathologist and lecturer at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) and Bugando Medical Centre (BMC). Currently, Dr. Ottoman is the Head of the Pathology Department at CUHAS and the Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Department at BMC. Dr. Ottoman's research focuses on the molecular and immunohistochemical distribution of high-risk HPV in mucosal cancers among both HIV-positive and HIV-negative populations. He has supervised numerous undergraduate and postgraduate students and is pursuing his PhD under the sponsorship of the Fogarty Fellowship through the NIH. To date, Dr. Ottoman has contributed to and co-authored 18 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Dr. Subira B Matiku

BMLS Course Coordinator

Dr. Subira B Matiku (MD, MMed) is a Medical doctor specialized in Anatomical Pathology. She has been serving as a Lecturer and Pathologist at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) and Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) respectively. Dr. Subira is the BMLS Course Coordinator at the Weill Bugando School of Medicine (WBSoM). Additionally, she serves as the Undergraduate Coordinator in the Pathology Department. She has contributed to and co-authored (4) four scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals. She has research interests in Head and Neck Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Bone and Soft tissue Pathology, and Oncopathology.

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Dr. Cosmas H. Mbulwa


Dr. Cosmas H. Mbulwa (MD, MMed) is a medical doctor specializing in Pathology. He has been serving as a Pathologist and lecturer at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) and Bugando Medical Centre (BMC). Currently, Dr. Mbulwa is the Director of Clinical Supportive Services (DCSS) at BMC. He has contributed to and co-authored 6 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Dr. Jackson Kahima


Dr. Jackson Kahima (MD, MMed) is a Consultant Senior Pathologist at Bugando Medical Centre. He has also served as a lecturer at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) in the Department of Pathology. Dr. Kahima has extensive experience in Forensic Pathology, having worked closely for many years in this field. He also conducts a special mortuary course for health workers under the Ministry of Health. Additionally, he collaborates with the Government Chemistry Office and the police forces. Dr. Kahima served as the Head of Central Pathology Laboratory (CPL) services for a long period until 2024. He has contributed to and co-authored 14 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Dr. Edrick Mtalemwa Elias


Dr Edrick Elias is a lecturer at CUHAS and a Medical Specialist in Atomical Pathology at BMC. He serves as a department quality officer and post-graduate training coordinator. He was involved in a couple of consultancies including the preparation of the WHO Global Breast Cancer Initiative, Implementation Framework 2023, establishment of Pathology services at Consolata Hospital Ikonda, 2019, BMC site pathologist for AI-REAL (Aggressive Infection-Related East Africa Lymphoma) study, 2023 and also he is a visiting lecturer in Pathology at SFUCHAS. He has been involved in 7scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals. He has an interest in the establishment of community anatomical pathology services to improve early cancer detection and patient navigation. Also, in research, he is interested in the molecular characterization of cancer.