Prof. Jeremiah Seni is an Associate Professor of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at Catholic Universityof Health and Allied Sciences and Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, Tanzania. He holds Doctor of Medicine (MUHAS, Tanzania: 2002-2007), Master of Medicine -Microbiology (Makerere University, Uganda: 2009 – 2012) and Doctor of Philosophy - Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (University of Calgary, AB, Canada: 2015 to 2018).
Dr.Seni’sresearch interests are on diagnostic microbiology & molecular epidemiology of pathogens in the context of infectious diseases’ treatment, control and prevention using One Health genomic approach. He is focusedto delineate dynamics of multi-drug resistant infections, cost-effective diagnostics, therapeutics and preventive measures. He has supervised over 60 research projects/dissertations and has over 45 research publications. Dr.Seni is a Feasby Global Health Scholar who has worked in various capacities in Tanzania, Uganda and Canada. He continues to mentor undergraduate and graduate students involved in the CUHAS-University of Calgary Global Health Field School Programs and form a pivotal link between the two institutions in research, clinical and community engagement collaborative activities.He has also served as external examiner to graduate students in various university across East African countries; and a reviewer in various peer reviewed international journals.
Dr.Seni is a member of National Antimicrobial Resistance Technical Working Group (Research & Surveillance). He has provided consultancy services to local and international bodies like Ministry of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children - Tanzania, Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), World Health Organization (WHO),Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.
Dr.Seni has served as the Head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology (2014 -2017), the Associated Dean - Weill Bugando School of Medicine (2018), and is currently the Director of Postgraduate Studies.
Some of his scholarly work can be accessed through: